Senin, 06 Desember 2010

reasons why i love December #2

for the first time i attend a wedding celebration with a romantic saxophone along the party. oh gees, i really get that feeling of joy and happiness, and  it makes me feel like it was my wedding! haha :D jazzy, cozy, crazy!

so now, i put "saxophone" on my future wedding-needs-list. totally romantic, and i love it so crazy!


that's why i love December #2

3 komentar:

  1. Mas, becaknya pindahin dulu... dari kemaren disuruh sama security tuh...

    BTW, ko curcolnya bnyk amat yak?

  2. lla?? bung ervien ikutan curcol. nyolong mulu ni :p

  3. curcol is my middle name :DD --> baru blajar bahasa inggris critanya :p
